Supply Chain Act
Our “Citizens of Humanity” apparel products are manufactured in California and in Turkey, in facilities that are either owned by Citizens of Humanity or its affiliates or are owned by third parties who operate in close proximity to the factories owned and operated by Citizens of Humanity and its affiliated entities. Because of Citizens of Humanity’s close working relationship with its factories in California and Turkey, Citizens of Humanity is able to observe and confirm that no forced labor or human trafficking occurs in the manufacture of its “Citizens of Humanity” products. Citizens of Humanity does import fabric and other raw materials used in the manufacture of its “Citizens of Humanity” products from suppliers located outside of the United States, and seeks to ensure that its supply chain is free of forced labor or human trafficking.
All of Citizens of Humanity’s manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials are required to represent, warrant and agree that they and all of their subcontractors and manufacturers will observe all laws that apply in the country of manufacture including laws relating to employment practices and treat their employees in a fair and respectful manner. Specifically, Citizens of Humanity’s manufacturers and suppliers are required to agree that they will not, and their own subcontractors or manufacturers will not use child labor or any forced, prison, indentured or bonded labor or use corporal punishment or other mental or physical disciplinary actions or engage in sexual harassment.
Citizens of Humanity does not formally audit its third party suppliers for compliance, but each direct supplier of goods or manufacturing services must confirm its adherence to these standards by signing a written Code of Conduct and Standards of Business Practices. While Citizens of Humanity does not provide formal training to employees and management, and does not maintain formal internal accountability standards and procedures for contractors failing to meet its standards regarding forced labor and human trafficking, in the event that Citizens of Humanity obtains any information which causes it to believe that a supplier is not in compliance with our standards, it will eliminate the supplier from its supply chain.